When communication in an organization or between clients breaks down, it is difficult to calculate the real loss in time, energy and finances. One thing's for sure, investing in preparative training is but a fraction compared to the cost of potential loss. Time and again, effective organizations prove that training was the make-or-break factor in their international equation. The consequence of not providing appropriate training far outweighs the expense. In today’s ever shrinking global community, investing in cross cultural training can be the much needed key to success. 

The Training Seminars may be offered in English or Spanish and in a variety of formats depending on interest, schedule availability, and commitment. 

For specific cost and availability information please contact Mary Ellen Colón at:

  • contact@maryellencolon.com
  • Mexico telephone: 52 1 415 151 0627  
  • US telephone : 1 (585) 672-3395